Wednesday, April 30, 2008

ideas to research for service learning

i will be researching the cause and effect of the situation in darfur, such why and how the situation in darfur even started and ways we could help there.

Monday, April 28, 2008

respond to lincoln and obama speech

Obama was younger when he made his speech and at different places. they both quote the constitution like when lincoln says slaves are not property and they both are against slavery and racism. I think they both made good speeches on race.

prepareation for thursday's service learning meeting

to be ready and prepare for this thursday 's meeting i am supposed to research the cause and the effect of the situation in Darfur.

reflection of friday's service learning meeting

We discussed some information that we had gotten. On friday we decided to that would get more information on the situation in darfur before we do anything.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

role in service learning group

the role that i think i want to be is the recorder or possibly the time keeper. thee are the roles i think i could be good at. the question i have about are mission is how are we going to do it ?

preparation for friday service learning meeting

to prepare for the next service learning meeting i will research the situation in Darfur. I will also research ways we could help. like last week i think there will be a lot of discussion. i will also think of ways we could help in Darfur.

reflection of thursday service learning meeting

in the meeting on Thursday we voted and decided to change the topic from Africa school situation to the Darfur. i think it is a herder topic. we discussed ways to help the situation in Darfur. we don't know the exact way we are going to help Darfur. what i liked about the meeting is i liked when we voted,the time we had, and and the amount of discussion. the challenge we have is how can we help

Thursday, April 17, 2008

preparation for next service learning meeting

I am in the Africa group. before the meeting today i would research and think of how we would help them . like last weeks meeting i think there will be a lot of discussing. i don't get it about service learning are we just going to meet and do anything about the topics.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

reflection of service learning meeting

my group is the africa group. we decided to adopt a classroom. for the first service learning meeting i thought it was good and we talked about how we would help kids in africa i liked that i didn't have to do much and i disliked the part were we had to take notes of the discussion. for the next meeting i will think of how we will do the adopt a classroom. i really don't have a role in it.