Wednesday, March 18, 2009


One day when I went to school I found out the horrifying fact that I must
complete an NHD project again. I want to scream and run away.

For three years now Constitution High School has done NHD projects. NHD stands for National History Day. NHD starts in September and ends in March. Ninth and tenth graders must complete a project. Each project has to connect to the NHD theme, which changes every year. Projects will consist of a paper, exhibit, performance, or documentary. All of these project types have certain requirements and rules. Essays must consist of at least 1500 words. Documentaries cannot include more than 10 minutes. Students have absolutely no say when it comes to NHD, they must do it whether they want to or not.

People that do agree with making students do NHD projects have some good reasons why. Students learn a lot about history and how to write thesis statements. Tenth grader Stephen says, " he likes NHD because classes were separated by project type and this helped because I got was in class with a little bit of people".

Other students that do not agree that students should have to NHD projects have good reasons why. High School students that do NHD projects do not have a good chance of winning. An Anonymous student says, " teachers help but do not help that much because they have to help many students". Another student says, " It is hard trying to find primary sources and writing a thesis statement".

Constitution High School students might agree more if some changes could happen. Educators could try to assist students more. Stephen says, " the dates that projects are due should be extended and projects should have a little less requirements".

In the eleventh grade it will make people happy not to have to ever hear about NHD again but with the SAT and PSSA test students will have something else to run away from.

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