Friday, May 1, 2009

Between and beyond the line questions for Of Mice and Men

1. Is violence one motif in Of Mice and Men?

A. Yes Violence is a very important motif in Of Mice and Men. Slim drowned four of his dogs. Candy's dog gets shot in the head by Slim. Curly starts a fight with Lennie and Lennie brakes his hand. Lennie strangles Curly's wife to death. George shoots Lennie in the head at the river. Violence is a very important motif in Of Mice and Men. 

2. Is people coming together to achieve a common goal a theme of Of Mice and Men?

A. In Of Mice and Men the theme is men coming together to achieve a common goal. Lennie and George travel to the ranch together. The men on the ranch work together. Some of the men come to kill Candy's dog. After finding Curly's wife dead, Curly and the other workers go to kill Lennie. The theme of Of Mice and Men is men come together to accomplish their goals.

1. How does Curly's wife symbolize women in the 1930s and how they are different from today?

A. Back in the 1930s, the time Of Mice and Men, women like Curly's wife could not do much. Now women have more rights. Women have the right to vote. Today women have a lot more opportunities than they had in the 1930s. Females can get better jobs.

Curly's wife had a scanty amount of rights. Now women can vote without prejudice. In the 1920s, women gained the right to vote with the ratification of the 19th amendment. She could not do anything but get married and have kids. Curly would not allow her to even have conversations with other people on the ranch. 

Opportunity for women as really expanded since the time of Curly's wife. Jobs have become more available to women. Women can get a job as a CEO of a major company. Females can run for office and they can also hold public office. Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2008 but did not win. 

People treat women better than ever. African american women do not judged by the color of their skin. Septa wants it reported if you get denied service because of race. All females do not get judged by their gender. Males and females have close to the same amount of opportunities. jobs can be completed by males and females. 

Curly's wife symbolizes women in the 1930s and how they live differently from women today. All women have more rights today. Opportunities of women have increased a lot between the time of Of Mice and Men. People treat women more equal to men. 


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